How to Find a Grave in Texas

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How to Find a Grave in Texas

Cemeteries as well as cemeteries form a big part of our family history and they have genealogical information on ancestors. It can happen sometimes that the information available on a headstone is the only information you will find on an ancestor. There are times and situations when it calls that you find that information. This guide is aimed at giving you tips on how to find a grave in Texas.

Before starting your quest to find that grave in Texas, there are certain details that you need to find first or keep with you as they might be handy along the way. It would be a good idea to find all information you can on the person you want to find the grave of. These can be details like full name, date of birth, date of death, education background, titles, relatives.

Information like date of birth, parent’s names and spouse’s names are normally found on tombstones. It is a common tendency to have family members buried close to each other. This is where details like other relatives can come in handy as you search.

Possible outcomes from a grave search in Texas can be birth records, marriage records, death details, military services, organisation membership, religion, tombstone inscriptions, cemetery maps, burial location, headstone photos and sexton registers.

Search for a Grave in Texas

There are a number of platforms online that allow people to lookup grave information. Here are a few that you can try a search for a grave from in Texas.

Search for a Grave in Texas from Interment

The cemetery records that are provided from Interment are sourced from cemeteries found in Texas, municipalities, churches, genealogists and associations. They were gathered for local history research as well as family history purposes.

For the sake of preserving their authenticity, the transcripts and cemetery records have not been edited or tempered with from the original sources. If there are any errors that are found in them, then they must stem from the original copies or sources. The cemetery transcripts offered on the site are free of charge. You also don’t even need to subscribe in order to access them.

You can browse cemetery records by county from the platform. If you are familiar with the county where the grave is located, then this feature is one to try out. Click on the county of your choice and you will be taken to a page where there are links to the cemeteries found in that county.

In case you are familiar with the name of the cemetery where the person was buried, you can download the List of Cemeteries in Texas which is in pdf format. There are also links to recent Texas cemetery records that have been published.

 Search for a Grave in Texas from Find a Grave

Find a Grave considers itself as having the world’s largest gravesite collection. There are over 210 million memorials that were created by the community from 1995.

With this platform, you can find graves on ancestors, create virtual flowers and a note for a memorial of a loved one, create virtual memories or add pictures. You can also browse and search grave records and cemeteries for people who are famous from all over the world. Other possible searches are on newly added graves and most popular graves.

There is also a list of Texas cemeteries from all the 254 counties that you can use from Find a Grave. Select the county you want to search from and this will take you to the page that has all the cemeteries in that particular county. This is where you will select the cemetery you want to look up from.

Search for a Grave in Texas from Family Search

You can find cemetery records from Texas by using Family Search. The following steps will help you achieve this.

  • Go to the FamilySearch Catalog
  • Enter ‘Texas’in the Place box
  • Then click on ‘Search’
  • Next click on ‘Cemeteries’

To search for cemeteries or graves at the county level follow instructions below

  • Go to the FamilySearch Catalog
  • Enter ‘Texas’in the Place box
  • Then click on ‘Search’
  • Next click on ‘Cemeteries’
  • After that click on ‘Places within Texas’
  • Then click on the county you want to search
  • Finally click on ‘Cemeteries’

To search for cemeteries or graves at the town level, follow guidelines below.

  • Go to the FamilySearch Catalog
  • Enter ‘Texas’in the Place box
  • Click on ‘Search’
  • Next click on ‘Cemeteries’
  • Then click on ‘Places within Texas’
  • After that click on the county you want to search
  • Next click on ‘Places within United States, Texas, county name’
  • Then click on the town you want to search
  • Finally click on ‘Cemeteries’

There are also other great sources of grave or cemetery records information in Texas such as The Ancestor Hunt and Family History Daily.

With these tips on how to find a grave in Texas, you stand a chance to find it whether you are looking for your ancestor or doing a genealogical research. Try them and see if they work for your situation or not.